Using COMSOL Multiphysics for the development of metal hydride-based hydrogen systems for the energy transition
No abstract available.
Authors:Krause, P.S., Kaufmann, T.F.J., Puszkiel, J., Bellosta von Colbe, J.M., Klassen, T., Jepsen, J.
In: COMSOL Symposium Hamburg
Location:Hamburg (DEU)
Type:conference lecture (invited)
Cite as: Krause, P.; Kaufmann, T.; Puszkiel, J.; Bellosta von Colbe, J.; Klassen, T.; Jepsen, J.: Using COMSOL Multiphysics for the development of metal hydride-based hydrogen systems for the energy transition. COMSOL Symposium Hamburg. Hamburg (DEU), 2023.