conference paper

Process Stability and Reproducibility of the Dieless Drawing Process for AZ31 Magnesium Wires


Magnesium (Mg)-based wires are in the focus of interest for numerous applications like micro-forming technologies or medical engineering. Manufacturing thin Mg-based wires is widely realized by applying a conventional multiple pass cold wire drawing process. This requires a complex manufacturing schedule of multiple passes with intermediate heat treatments to overcome work hardening, because of the cold forming process. Especially Mg and its alloys are known for their rather low formability at room temperature associated with the hexagonal close-packed lattice structure. The dieless drawing process uses local heating to initialize a localized plastic zone under an external tensile load to achieve higher reductions in diameter in a single wire drawing pass. It can therefore present a solution for a more efficient warm manufacturing process of Mg-based wires. In this study, the stability of the steady state material flow during a dieless wire drawing process and its reproducibility was investigated. For this purpose, a variation of process parameters was selected and wire manufacturing was carried out using magnesium alloy AZ31. A single and double dieless drawing process was applied. Additionally, a conventional cold wire drawing process including a die with the same forming schedule was executed as a benchmark experiment. The results of this study show, that the dieless drawing process is not only a stable process after reaching the steady state, but it is also a reproducible and accurately adjustable process. Moreover, the dieless drawing process maintains the property profile of the starting material to a large extend.
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