conference lecture

Progresses in the CMEMS BS-MFC for improving forecasting capabilities and monitoring the Black Sea region through high quality modelling systems


The BS-MFC (Black Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Centre) delivers near real time and multi-year products for the Black Sea region with the scope to describe its physical, biogeochemical and wave conditions in the frame of CMEMS. This is done through 3 Production Units – Physics, Biogeochemistry and Waves – that implement state-of-the-art and accurate modelling approaches for forecasting and monitoring purposes. In 2019, the BS-MFC offer has been updated to include i) updated versions of the BS-PHY and BS-WAV NRT products and new BS-BIO product, ii) update of the MY products timeseries up to Dec 2018 and iii) inclusion of Ocean Monitoring Indicators (OMI).,Considering NRT systems, the systems are performing assimilation of in-situ and satellite products provided by CMEMS TACs with PHY and BIO products centered to 12:00Z and WAV product instantaneous fields covering 10-days forecast. BS-BIO offers new product since Jul 2019, including CHL, PHYC, O2, NO3, PO4, Primary Production and carbonate system components (pH, DIC, Alkalinity, air-sea flux of CO2). To support ocean monitoring purposes, describing the current state of the Black Sea physical dynamics, environmental and extreme events, the BS-MFC implements a set of OMI: a) vertically integrated oxygen content, b) oxygen penetration density and depth, c) sea surface temperature and salinity anomalies, d) significant wave height extremes.,To improve forecasting capabilities and prepare the next generation of BS products, the BS-MFC is working on several scientific topics, the most challenged are the increased resolution in vertical of the physical system, the problem of the Bosporus Strait as boundary condition, improved data assimilation capabilities, coupling strategies among PHY, BIO and WAV and improvement of upstream data ingestion in NRT and MY systems, including the usage of hourly forcing in WAV production system and forecast data of the Danube River discharge and nutrients in the PHY and BIO systems. Furthermore, the BS-MFC is working on enforce operational capacities and define pre-operational evaluation to estimate accuracy of operational and new products.
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