journal article

Texture Hardening Observed in Mg–Zn–Nd Alloy Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP)


The addition of Nd significantly improves the mechanical properties of magnesium alloys. However, only limited amounts of Nd or other rare earth (RE) elements should be used due to their high price. In this study, a low-alloyed Mg–1% Zn–1% Nd (ZN11) alloy was designed and processed by hot extrusion and subsequent equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) in order to achieve a very fine-grained condition with enhanced strength. The microstructure, texture, and mechanical properties were thoroughly studied. The microstructure after 8 passes through ECAP was homogeneous and characterized by an average grain size of 1.5 µm. A large number of tiny secondary phase precipitates were identified as ordered Guinier–Preston (GP) zones. Detailed analysis of the Schmid factors revealed the effect of the texture on deformation mechanisms. ECAP processing more than doubled the achieved yield compression strength (YCS) of the ZN11 alloy. Significant strengthening by ECAP is caused by grain refinement and the formation of ordered Guinier–Preston zones and particles of a secondary γ-phase.
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