Extreme precipitation in Europe over summer time is one type of climate extreme with strongest
impact on societies, at present and over the past centuries. In contrast to mean and extreme
temperatures, it is still unclear to what extant the external forcing may modulate the intensity and
frequency of this type of hydrological extremes. This contribution focuses on the identification of
the impact of external forcing on European extreme precipitation over the past millennium in one
small ensembles of simulations with the Earth System model MPI-ESM-P and in the Large
Millennium Ensemble with the model CESM.
Both models realistically simulate the meteorological conditions that give rise to sustained (over
several days) strong precipitation, compared to present conditions. The analysis of both
ensembles indicates that the role of the external forcing over the past millennium has been weak
at most, with individual members of the ensemble providing different timings for period with high
and low probability of extreme summer precipitation in this region. This conclusion is also valid for
mean summer precipitation.
This result confirms the evidence obtained from analysis of proxy records, mostly
palaeoclimatological records but also historical evidence. This analysis indicates that the frequency
and intensity of extreme summer precipitation has been so far independent of the mean climate