Effect of pre-existing dislocations on the strength of gold at very small scales
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/36418/
Authors:Guglielmi, P.O., Ziehmer, M., Lilleodden, E.T.
In: Nanobruecken 2017: Nanomechanical Testing Conference and Bruker Hysitron User Meeting
Location:Manchester (GB)
Cite as: Guglielmi, P.O.; Ziehmer, M.; Lilleodden, E.T.: Effect of pre-existing dislocations on the strength of gold at very small scales. In: Nanobruecken 2017: Nanomechanical Testing Conference and Bruker Hysitron User Meeting. Manchester (GB), 04.-06.04.2017, 2017.