Enzymatic degradation of oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone) based Langmuir films adjusted by variation of polymer structure
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/36246/
Authors:Schoene, A.-C., Schulz, B., Lendlein, A.
In: Integrating function into polymers, Polydays 2016
Location:Potsdam (B)
Cite as: Schoene, A.-C.; Schulz, B.; Lendlein, A.: Enzymatic degradation of oligo(Epsilon-caprolactone) based Langmuir films adjusted by variation of polymer structure. In: Integrating function into polymers, Polydays 2016. Potsdam (B), 28.-30.06.2016, 2016.