Experimental investigation of temperature distribution during wire-based laser metal deposition of the Al-Mg alloy 5087
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/35507/
Authors:Froend, M.,Bock, F.,Ventzke, V.,Riekehr, S.,Kashaev, N.,Klusemann, B.,Enz, J.
In: 10th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, THERMEC 2018
Location:Paris (F)
Type:conference lecture
Cite as: Froend, M.; Bock, F.; Ventzke, V.; Riekehr, S.; Kashaev, N.; Klusemann, B.; Enz, J.: Experimental investigation of temperature distribution during wire-based laser metal deposition of the Al-Mg alloy 5087. 10th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, THERMEC 2018. Paris (F), 2018.