Investigation the impact of magnesium-implants compared to titanium-implant on protein composition in cultured osteoblast by label free quantification
No abstract available.
Authors:Omidi, M., Burmester, A., Kiani, P., Kwiatkowski, M., Luthringer, B., Willumeit, R., Schlueter, H.
In: 7th BIOMETAL, Symposium on Biodegradable Metals for Biomedical Applications
Location:Carovigno (I)
Cite as: Omidi, M.; Burmester, A.; Kiani, P.; Kwiatkowski, M.; Luthringer, B.; Willumeit, R.; Schlueter, H.: Investigation the impact of magnesium-implants compared to titanium-implant on protein composition in cultured osteoblast by label free quantification. In: 7th BIOMETAL, Symposium on Biodegradable Metals for Biomedical Applications. Carovigno (I), 23.-28.08.2015, 2015.