conference paper

The influence of the combination of alloying elements on the microstructure and texture development during rolling and annealing of magnesium


Mechanical properties and formability of magnesium sheets are distinctly influenced by the microstructure and texture of the sheet. It has been shown that alloys which contain rare earth (RE) elements, Ca or other alloying,elements can lead to significantly weaker textures in binary alloys or even qualitatively different textures in ternary modifications with zinc if compared to conventional magnesium alloy sheets, e.g. of alloy AZ31. In this paper the effect of a single addition of a RE element Ce is reviewed and compared to ternary variations with Zn with respect to the microstructure and texture development during rolling and annealing of the sheets.,Qualitative differences in the mechanisms that determine the microstructure and texture development are addressed. Furthermore, a variation in the formation of different texture components due to alloying with Ca or Mn is analyzed.
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