Diffusion brazing of Gamma-TiAl-alloys: Investigations of the joint by electron microscopy and high-energy X-ray diffraction
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/30962/
Authors:Hauschildt, K., Stark, A., Lorenz, U., Schell, N., Fischer, T., Blankenburg, M., Mueller, M., Pyczak, F.
In: MRS Fall Meeting 2012, Symposium JJ
Location:Boston, MA (USA)
Cite as: Hauschildt, K.; Stark, A.; Lorenz, U.; Schell, N.; Fischer, T.; Blankenburg, M.; Mueller, M.; Pyczak, F.: Diffusion brazing of Gamma-TiAl-alloys: Investigations of the joint by electron microscopy and high-energy X-ray diffraction. In: MRS Fall Meeting 2012, Symposium JJ. Boston, MA (USA), 25.-30.11.2012, 2012.