Temporal and spatial distributed emissions are an essential input parameter for Chemical Transport Models (CTM). In order to obtain consistent emissions for longterm
CTM runs the US EPA emission model SMOKE has been adapted and
modified. The modified version of the SMOKE emission model (SMOKEEU) uses official and publicly available data sets and statistics to create emissions of
CO, NOx, SO2, NH3, PM2.5, PM10, NMVOC. Currently it supports several photochemical mechanisms and a PM2.5 split. Additionally emissions of benzo[a]pyrene have been modelled. The temporal resolution of the emissions is
one hour. The resolution of the surrogates used for spatial disaggregation is 1x1
km². Vertical distribution is done via plume rise calculations. The area covered by
the emission model is Europe including eastern Russia, north Africa and Turkey
The currently implemented datasets allow for the calculation of emissions between
Emissions for the year 2000 on a 54x54km² domain were evaluated by comparison
to datasets from three commonly used emission models. Additionally
SMOKE/EU emissions were used as input for the CMAQ4.6 CTM and the calculated
air concentrations of Ozone, NH4, NO3 and SO4 were compared to EMEP