The transformation mechanism of beta phase to omega-related phases in Nb-rich gamma-TiAl alloys studied by in-situ high-energy x-ray diffraction
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Authors:Stark, A.,Oehring, M.,Pyczak, F.,Lippmann, T.,Lottermoser, L.,Schreyer, A.
In: 6th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation, MECA SENS VI
Location:Hamburg (D)
Type:conference lecture
Cite as: Stark, A.; Oehring, M.; Pyczak, F.; Lippmann, T.; Lottermoser, L.; Schreyer, A.: The transformation mechanism of beta phase to omega-related phases in Nb-rich gamma-TiAl alloys studied by in-situ high-energy x-ray diffraction. 6th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation, MECA SENS VI. Hamburg (D), 2011.