Sedimentary regime of the ‘Lister Tief’ between Sylt and Rømø, South-eastern North Sea, based on shallow seismic subbottom profiles and Multibeam data
No abstract available.
Authors:Boldreel, L.O., Kuijpers, A., Riethmueller, R., Heineke, M., Seemann, J., Hass, C., Lindhorst, S., Rasmussen, R., Bartholdy, J., Pedersena, J.B.T.
In: 16. Danske Havforskermoede
Location:Knebel (DK)
Cite as: Boldreel, L.O.; Kuijpers, A.; Riethmueller, R.; Heineke, M.; Seemann, J.; Hass, C.; Lindhorst, S.; Rasmussen, R.; Bartholdy, J.; Pedersena, J.B.T.: Sedimentary regime of the ‘Lister Tief’ between Sylt and Rømø, South-eastern North Sea, based on shallow seismic subbottom profiles and Multibeam data. In: 16. Danske Havforskermoede . Knebel (DK), 18.-20.01.2011, 2011.