Characterization of residual stresses in IN718 turbine discs by neutron diffraction and finite element modelling
No abstract available.
Authors:Staron, P., Cihak, U., Clemens, H., Stockinger, M., Schreyer, A.
In: European Symposium on Superalloys and their Application, Superalloys 2010
Location:Wildbad Kreuth (D)
Cite as: Staron, P.; Cihak, U.; Clemens, H.; Stockinger, M.; Schreyer, A.: Characterization of residual stresses in IN718 turbine discs by neutron diffraction and finite element modelling. In: European Symposium on Superalloys and their Application, Superalloys 2010. Wildbad Kreuth (D), 25.-28.05.2010, 2010.