journal article

The New GKSS Materials Science Beamlines at DESY: Recent Results and Future Options


GKSS is currently investing heavily into new beamlines at DESY in Hamburg, Germany. After the completed installation of the wiggler beamline HARWI II at DORIS III GKSS is now building two new undulator beamlines at the new PETRA III storage ring. The High Energy Materials Science Beamline (HEMS) will allow high resolution diffraction experiments using samples and sample environments with masses up to 1 t, 3DXRD measurements, and high-energy micro-tomography experiments. The Imaging Beamline (IBL) will provide a nano-tomography as well as a micro-tomography station for X-ray energies up to 50 keV. Examples of typical experiments in the field of residual stress analysis, micro-tomography, and high-energy small-angle X-ray scattering will be given.
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