Comparison of Isothermal and Thermomechanical Fatigue Behaviour of a High-temperature Titanium Alloy and a Third Generation TiAl Intermetallic
No abstract available.
Authors:Heckel, T., Guerrero-Tovar, A., Christ, H.-J., Appel, F.
In: 11th World Conference on Titanium, Ti 2007
Location:Kyoto (J)
Cite as: Heckel, T.; Guerrero-Tovar, A.; Christ, H.-J.; Appel, F.: Comparison of Isothermal and Thermomechanical Fatigue Behaviour of a High-temperature Titanium Alloy and a Third Generation TiAl Intermetallic. In: 11th World Conference on Titanium, Ti 2007. Kyoto (J), 03.-07.06.2007, 2007.