Stable Isotopes and Mercury in Blood of Harbour Seals (Phoca Vitulina) Caught on a German Sandbank
No abstract available.
Authors:Di-Poi, C., Drouguet, O., Fonfara, S., Lepoint, G., Siebert, U.
In: 19th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society
Location:La Rochelle (F)
Cite as: Di-Poi, C.; Drouguet, O.; Fonfara, S.; Lepoint, G.; Siebert, U.: Stable Isotopes and Mercury in Blood of Harbour Seals (Phoca Vitulina) Caught on a German Sandbank. In: 19th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. La Rochelle (F), 02.-07.04.2005, 2005.