Tectonic fabric in weakly clay sediments: the origin of the magnetic lineation deduced from AMS and neutron diffraction analysis
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/24927/
Authors:Cifelli, F., Mattei, M., Chadima, M., Lenser, S., Hirt, A.M.
In: 2006 AGU Fall Meeting
Location:San Francisco, CA (USA)
Cite as: Cifelli, F.; Mattei, M.; Chadima, M.; Lenser, S.; Hirt, A.M.: Tectonic fabric in weakly clay sediments: the origin of the magnetic lineation deduced from AMS and neutron diffraction analysis. In: 2006 AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA (USA), 11.-15.12.2006, 2006.