Full-Field and Scanning Microtomography Based on Parabolic Refractive X-Ray Lenses
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/24879/
Authors:Schroer, C.G., Kuhlmann, M., Guenzler, T.F., Benner, B., Kurapova, C., Patommel, J., Lengeler, B., Roth, S.V., Gehrke, R., Snigirev, A., Snigireva, I., Almendarez-Camarillo, A., Beckmann, F.
In: X-ray, Gamma Ray, and Particle Technologies, Developments in X Ray Tomography V, Optics and Photonics, SPIE 2006
Location:San Diego, CA (USA)
ISBN: 0-8194-6439-2
Cite as: Schroer, C.G.; Kuhlmann, M.; Guenzler, T.F.; Benner, B.; Kurapova, C.; Patommel, J.; Lengeler, B.; Roth, S.V.; Gehrke, R.; Snigirev, A.; Snigireva, I.; Almendarez-Camarillo, A.; Beckmann, F.: Full-Field and Scanning Microtomography Based on Parabolic Refractive X-Ray Lenses. In: X-ray, Gamma Ray, and Particle Technologies, Developments in X Ray Tomography V, Optics and Photonics, SPIE 2006. Vol. 6318 San Diego, CA (USA), 15.-17.08.2006, 2006. 63181H. (ISBN: 0-8194-6439-2)