Reconstructing Large-Scale Climate Variability from Paleoclimatic Evidence by Means of Data Assimilation Through Upscaling and Nudging (DATUN)
No abstract available.
Authors:Storch, H.v., Jones, J.M., Widmann, M., Gonzalez-Rouco, J.F., Kirchner, I., Zorita, E.
In: High Resolution Lake Sediment Records in Climate and Environment Variability Studies, 6th Workshop of the European Lake Drilling Programme DLP
Location:Potsdam (D)
Cite as: Storch, H.v.; Jones, J.M.; Widmann, M.; Gonzalez-Rouco, J.F.; Kirchner, I.; Zorita, E.: Reconstructing Large-Scale Climate Variability from Paleoclimatic Evidence by Means of Data Assimilation Through Upscaling and Nudging (DATUN). In: High Resolution Lake Sediment Records in Climate and Environment Variability Studies, 6th Workshop of the European Lake Drilling Programme DLP. Potsdam (D), 11.-16.05.2001, 2001.