Precipitation, recovery, phase transition and recrystallization processes of massively transformed TiAl scrutinized by ex- and in-situ high energy x-ray diffraction
No abstract available.
Authors:Liss, K.-D.,Bystrzanowski, S.,Bartels, A.,Buslaps, T.,Clemens, H.,Gerling, R.,Schimansky, F.-P.,Stark, A.
In: 16th Biennal Congress 2005, The Australian Institute of Physics
Location:Canberra (AUS)
Type:conference poster
Cite as: Liss, K.; Bystrzanowski, S.; Bartels, A.; Buslaps, T.; Clemens, H.; Gerling, R.; Schimansky, F.; Stark, A.: Precipitation, recovery, phase transition and recrystallization processes of massively transformed TiAl scrutinized by ex- and in-situ high energy x-ray diffraction. In: 16th Biennal Congress 2005, The Australian Institute of Physics. Canberra (AUS). 2005.