journal article

Three-dimensional modeling of ductile crack growth: Cohesive zone parameters and crack tip triaxiality


For 10 mm thick smooth-sided compact tension specimens made of a pressure vessel steel 20MnMoNi55, the interrelations between the cohesive zone parameters (the cohesive strength, Tmax, and the separation energy, Γ) and the crack tip triaxiality are investigated. The slant shear-lip fracture near the side-surfaces is modeled as a normal fracture along the symmetry plane of the specimen. The cohesive zone parameters are determined by fitting the simulated crack extensions to the experimental data of a multi-specimen test. It is found that for constant cohesive zone parameters, the simulated crack extension curves show a strong tunneling effect. For a good fit between simulated and experimental crack growth, both the cohesive strength and the separation energy near the side-surface should be considerably lower than near the midsection. When the same cohesive zone parameters are applied to the 3D model and a plane strain model, the stress triaxiality in the midsection of the 3D model is much lower, the von-Mises equivalent stress is distinctly higher, and the crack growth rate is significantly lower than in the plane strain model. Therefore, the specimen must be considered as a thin specimen. The stress triaxiality varies dramatically during the initial stages of crack growth, but varies only smoothly during the subsequent stable crack growth. In the midsection region, the decrease of the cohesive strength results in a decrease of the stress triaxiality, while the decrease of the separation energy results in an increase of the triaxiality.
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