Swelling and Plasticization in Glassy Polymer/Gas-Systems -Combined Examination of Experimental and Modelling Results
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/23195/
Authors:Hoelck, O., Boehning, M., Siegert, M., Heuchel, M.
In: 69. Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG
Location:Berlin (D)
Cite as: Hoelck, O.; Boehning, M.; Siegert, M.; Heuchel, M.: Swelling and Plasticization in Glassy Polymer/Gas-Systems -Combined Examination of Experimental and Modelling Results. In: 69. Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG. Berlin (D), 04.-09.03.2005, 2005.