journal article

Residual stresses in forged IN718 turbine discs


Residual stresses play an important role in the production of forged components like turbine discs. Variations in the processing parameters can lead to different residual stress states, which complicate subsequent processing steps, e. g. turning to the final shape. Therefore, a deeper understanding of the residual stress evolution during thermo-mechanical processing and the resulting distortions during machining is essential in order to optimize the manufacturing process with respect to cost efficiency and quality of the product. Consequently, the development of residual stresses in a forged turbine disc made of nickel-based superalloy IN718 was simulated using a finite element (FE) model. The experimental verification of the model was done by independently performed neutron strain scanning. For the studied forged and subsequently water-quenched disc the obtained residual stresses agree well with the stresses predicted by the used FE.
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