Modelling the ductile fracture of thin high strength aluminium sheet
No abstract available.
Authors:Chabanet, O.,Besson, J.,Ehrstroem, J.-C.,Steglich, D.,Brocks, W.
In: Design for Durability in the Digital Age, 21st International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, ICAF 2001
Location:Toulouse (F)
Type:conference paper
ISBN: 2-85428-5743
Cite as: Chabanet, O.; Besson, J.; Ehrstroem, J.; Steglich, D.; Brocks, W.: Modelling the ductile fracture of thin high strength aluminium sheet. In: Rouchon, J. (Ed.): Design for Durability in the Digital Age, 21st International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, ICAF 2001. Toulouse (F). 2001.