Soft X-ray diffraction up to wavelengths of 6.0 A becomes feasable at ID1 of ESFR
No abstract available.
Authors:Carpentier, P.,Boesacke, P.,Bois, J.-M.,Chesne, M.-L.,Fanchon, E.,Kahn, R.,Stuhrmann, H.,Vicat, J.
In: International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation Crystallography
Location:Krynica (PL)
Type:conference lecture
Cite as: Carpentier, P.; Boesacke, P.; Bois, J.; Chesne, M.; Fanchon, E.; Kahn, R.; Stuhrmann, H.; Vicat, J.: Soft X-ray diffraction up to wavelengths of 6.0 A becomes feasable at ID1 of ESFR. International Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation Crystallography. Krynica (PL), 2001.