Dredged Material in the Port of Rotterdam - Interface between Rhine Catchment Area and North Sea
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/19703/
Authors:Gandrass, J., Salomons, W., Eberhardt, R., Hagner, C., Rzepka, S., Hattum, B.v., Peerboom, R., Vink, R., Behrendt, H., Peters, C., Zoumis, T., Foerstner, U.
In: 4th International Rhine Conference: the River, the Port and the Sea
Location:Rotterdam (NL)
Cite as: Gandrass, J.; Salomons, W.; Eberhardt, R.; Hagner, C.; Rzepka, S.; Hattum, B.v.; Peerboom, R.; Vink, R.; Behrendt, H.; Peters, C.; Zoumis, T.; Foerstner, U.: Dredged Material in the Port of Rotterdam - Interface between Rhine Catchment Area and North Sea . In: 4th International Rhine Conference: the River, the Port and the Sea. Rotterdam (NL), 22.-24.11.2000, 2000.