Pure Components and Mixture Diffusion of Liquids and Vapors in Polymers using ATR-FTIR-Spectroscopy
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/19358/
Authors:Stange, O., Yi, X., Ebert, K., Pellegrino, J., Ohlrogge, K.
In: NAMS 2000
Location:Boulder, CO (USA)
Cite as: Stange, O.; Yi, X.; Ebert, K.; Pellegrino, J.; Ohlrogge, K.: Pure Components and Mixture Diffusion of Liquids and Vapors in Polymers using ATR-FTIR-Spectroscopy. In: NAMS 2000. Boulder, CO (USA), 23.-27.05.2000, 2000.