Effect of hot extrusion on microstructure and mechanical properties of a gamma titanium aluminide alloy
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/18477/
Authors:Oehring, M., Lorenz, U., Niefanger, R., Christoph, U., Appel, F., Wagner, F., Clemens, H., Eberhardt, N.
In: Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Gamma Titanium Aluminides (ISGTA 99)
Location:San Diego, CA (USA)
Pages:439 - 446
ISBN: 0-87339-451-8
Cite as: Oehring, M.; Lorenz, U.; Niefanger, R.; Christoph, U.; Appel, F.; Wagner, F.; Clemens, H.; Eberhardt, N.: Effect of hot extrusion on microstructure and mechanical properties of a gamma titanium aluminide alloy. In: Kim, Y.-W.; Dimiduk, D.M.; Loretto, M.H. (Eds.): Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Gamma Titanium Aluminides (ISGTA 99). San Diego, CA (USA), 28.02.-04.03.1999, 1999. 439 - 446. (ISBN: 0-87339-451-8)