Defect particles in an irradiated RPV steel studied by a systematic variation of irradiation and annealing conditions: preliminary results by small angle neutron scattering
No abstract available.
Authors:Solt, G.,Frisius, F.,Waeber, W. B.
In: Radiation embrittlement of nuclear reactor pressure vessel steels: an international review - ASTM STP
Publisher:ASTM, Philadelphia
Type:book part
Cite as: Solt, G.; Frisius, F.; Waeber, W.: Defect particles in an irradiated RPV steel studied by a systematic variation of irradiation and annealing conditions: preliminary results by small angle neutron scattering. In: Steele, L. (Ed.): Radiation embrittlement of nuclear reactor pressure vessel steels: an international review - ASTM STP. Philadelphia: ASTM. 1989. 229-242.