Modification of Poly-(ethyleneterephthalate) Particle Track Membranes for Immobilisation of Enzymes
No abstract available.
Authors:Papra, A.,Hicke, H.-G.,Becker, M.
In: Book of Abstracts: Euromembrane '97 - Progress in Membrane Science and Technology; Third International Symposium
Location:Enschede (NL)
Date:June 23-27, 1997
Type:conference paper,conference lecture
ISBN: 9036509726
Cite as: Papra, A.; Hicke, H.; Becker, M.: Modification of Poly-(ethyleneterephthalate) Particle Track Membranes for Immobilisation of Enzymes. In: Kemperman, A.; Koops, G. (Ed.): Book of Abstracts: Euromembrane '97 - Progress in Membrane Science and Technology; Third International Symposium. Enschede (NL). 1997. 298-300.