Two-Color Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Mercury: Isotope Shifts and Hyperfine Structure at 253.7 NM
No abstract available.
Authors:Bisling, P., Dederichs, J., Neidhart, B., Weitkamp, C.
In: XX. ICPEAC: Twentieth International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions; Scientific Program and Abstracts of Contributed Papers
Location:Vienna (A)
Date:July 23-29, 1997
Cite as: Bisling, P.; Dederichs, J.; Neidhart, B.; Weitkamp, C.: Two-Color Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Mercury: Isotope Shifts and Hyperfine Structure at 253.7 NM. In: Aumeyr, F.; Betz, G.; Winter, H.P. (Eds.): XX. ICPEAC: Twentieth International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions; Scientific Program and Abstracts of Contributed Papers. Vienna (A), July 23-29, 1997, 1997.