Evolution of the aerosol composition in the BASYS Network study and Lagrangian experiments in summer 1997 and winter 1998
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/15425/
Authors:Schulz, M., Cachier, H., Ebinghaus, R., Ferm, M., Krueger, O., Petersen, G., Schneider, B., Schmolke, S.
In: European Aerosol Conference, EAC 1999
Location:Prag (CZ)
Cite as: Schulz, M.; Cachier, H.; Ebinghaus, R.; Ferm, M.; Krueger, O.; Petersen, G.; Schneider, B.; Schmolke, S.: Evolution of the aerosol composition in the BASYS Network study and Lagrangian experiments in summer 1997 and winter 1998. In: European Aerosol Conference, EAC 1999. Prag (CZ), 06.-10.09.1999, 1999.