Porosities and Gas Concentrations in Argon and Helium Gas Atomized TiAl Alloy Powders
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/14021/
Authors:Gerling, R., Schimansky, F. P., Feddersen, U.
In: Proceedings of the 1998 Powder Metallury World Congress and Exhibition
Location:Granada (E)
Pages:46 - 51
ISBN: 1899072098
Cite as: Gerling, R.; Schimansky, F. P.; Feddersen, U.: Porosities and Gas Concentrations in Argon and Helium Gas Atomized TiAl Alloy Powders. In: Proceedings of the 1998 Powder Metallury World Congress and Exhibition. Granada (E), 18-22.10.1998, 1998. 46 - 51. (ISBN: 1899072098)